Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thoughts and Resolutions #1

Disclaimer: This whole chain of posts are entirely my thoughts (which can be really random or even clash with your chain of thoughts).

So, well I decided to start this chain of all my thoughts and resolutions. More to thoughts. You know, how girls being girls, think a lot more; sometimes too much and hence we resolve to letting it all out. For instance, I am not only sharing my thoughts, through this post I can also let it all out and have you (blog and readers) be here with me. :) 

This post is a bit on the down side so if you are really happy today, come back tomorrow. :) Better not let me bring you down. Believe me, it's not really a moody post. Just some random thoughts.

Just on Tuesday, it was my late granduncle's birthday. To be really honest, I really really miss him a lot. Life is really fragile. One day you see him and the next moment you see him suffering on the hospital bed, trying to gasp for air. It was really heart rending. Just a few months ago, he was still fetching me to extra ballet classes and tuition. He's been there my whole life, since birth. He was my grandpa (well don't get too confused; he's my grandma's elder brother /but I treat him like my own grandpa just because.. its pretty complicated/). 

'Jo Yi, today your 'Kau Kung' has been admitted to the hospital cause he had fever few days already. Maybe tonight we visit him la ok? He should be up and about soon,'

'Jo Yi, 'Kau Kung' will be back to work on Monday. He just called.'

And I didn't think that it would be so quick. Things would escalate so fast. I never knew. That night, when we arrived at the hospital, I felt teary. I was afraid. When the lift doors opened, it confirmed my fears. Everyone's eyes were burning red; effects from continuous crying. As I approached him, he was there, struggling, hanging onto his life, tears started pouring down my face like an uncontrollable tap. He was having cramps. I tried holding it in, I tried staying strong just so the other family members didn't have to feel sad for me; and themselves. The doctors haven't arrived. It's been a few hours. Why aren't they efficient? Don't they realise that someone's life is at stake right now? Or are they too used to people getting sick?

My grandmother was launched into tremendous despair. You know how depressing it is to feel so sad inside and yet you see your other family members crying so much? So we decided to go home. Once at home, we got THE CALL. He was declared to have left us all. :'(
Believe me, I understand how it feels to lose someone. Losing someone is really heart breaking. Especially for eternity. Through time, we will realise we are only left with memories. As the saying goes, though we are far apart, you are always in my heart!  

P.S 'Kau Kung' is used to refer our grandmother's (maternal) brother in Cantonese. 

Hence, my resolution today is that I must cherish and treasure all my dearest family and friends. I love you all! ❤ 


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Raya holidays! ❤

Holla! I know it's been ages since I last blogged :( It's just that I can't find the right time to put a good blogpost in here so no point doing it right? Sigh. After my examinations end of this year, I promise to come back more often okay! ;) hmm will try la to blog about my holidays (IF time permits).

Shall do a short update. First and foremost, a very Selamat Hari Raya and Eid Mubarak  to all Muslims out there (this is a little belated but I guess it's alright?) First off, let me bring you on a journey to the capital city of Malaysia, the famous Kuala Lumpur with all the tall and scary skyscrapers looming above. The cityscape is pretty piece to admire and view especially if you're living in a hotel in the centre of such a bustling city. Yep, you're right. I stayed in Best Western Premier Hotel, placed exactly in the centre of Kuala Lumpur, there's nothing you can miss when you glance out the window.

Living Room
Just a tip: The carpark here is a bit tricky. Unless you have an amazing driving skill, I highly recommend you don't drive a huge car here. The last time I came, car got a scratch. The price is definitely cheaper than most hotels and the rooms are pretty spacious as well. 

Room No.1
Room No.2

Washroom :)
What did I do in Kuala Lumpur:

I am pretty sorry but I don't really turn to become an adventurous tourist when I go to KL instead I turn into a horrible shopaholic. I visit malls more than ever. Since you know we kind of lack malls here in my hometown, Ipoh (if you haven't paid Ipoh a visit, you should! It's not that rundown and all, in fact it's a great place to be around ~ just like a more touristy place and less skyscrapers ~ perfect for people that wants to make a short getaway from the bustling city to a more serene place) 

So I visited Paradigm Mall on the very day I arrived. This mall is more on the branded side. It has brands like H&M which sells perfect attire for teenagers like me :) it also has brands like Zara (I would really love to buy everything in that store which is highly unlikely to be happening anytime soon sadly). Maybe I should just start working already. Any vacancy? Haha anyway I got myself some pretty good deals that day :) Currently I am really into cool tops with cool wordings. Any suggestions where I could get them? :) 

Then, to be very honest, that practically wraps up my journey. Since the next day, I went to Mid Valley and got myself practically nothing. Been pretty good at saving up these days. :)

Shall do a food post next. :) stay tuned! I won't be gone so

quick this time I promise. 
