Wednesday, October 10, 2012


It is such a miracle to see new born babies hop out from their mother's womb after being in there for ages.  It is so magical to see a solid cute moving creature you call a baby moving her arms and legs, stretching out and trying to move, since she is still new to this entire human world.

On 8 October 2012, my niece joined the family.  She is so cute and chubby, causing me to melt just by looking through her pictures on Facebook.  Her name is Calleigh Lai Kar Ann. <3 I am sure she will grow up to be this really pretty little girl or adult.  I can't wait to see her grown up and all. :') omg i am such a great auntie hahaha.  those who will plan for their nieces and all LOL and i am just sixteen years older than her? aih auntie instincts just came to me. :P  can't help it HAHA

So now to the pictures,

Ah why you so cute?


Cuteness overflowing everywhere >< She is just TOO cute.  Her mouth, so cute! ahhh and her eyes, hehehe


P.S. better leave now, auntie JOYI JIEJIE going crazy :P

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