Friday, August 3, 2012

Guess what?

Guess what i am gonna blog about today! Hehe. Nawww its not about the exam test that just ended :P sigh yeah my test just ended today and i am really happy.  its not like a really stressful one and the results aren't really important I hope? :/

Anyway i just really feel like blogging today :)

Okay theres this ACS MGS Alumni Reunion tomorrow which i have to go.  At 9 am ><  And till? Eleven something at night? How awesome. Lol anyway i will try to enjoy myself with my awesome friends i guess hehehe

I have really nice friends where i can tell them everything well.. not everything i guess cause to some people find my opinions really weird and all.  At times when my friends bring up my past and future, my past especially... I really feel kind of uneasy cause come on people makes mistakes and no one is perfect right?

So what if i did some really huge mistakes in the choices i made in life?  As long as i learned from it, it's okay isn't it?  Isn't that what life is all about?  To learn from our mistakes?  I admit I did have this duration where i was trying to adapt to the results of that choice i made.  So why bring it up again?  Its not really that fun and all okay.

AND it doesnt make me happy okay.  Why would i be?  I guess you don't really know the whole story after all.  Anyway that only applies to some of them :)  But friends can be really sweet at times too! :)

Love you guys <3


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