Friday, August 31, 2012



Happy Birthday! <3

And Happy 55th Birthday to my beloved country, Malaysia!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Living in the present

Let bygones be bygones.  That's what people usually say.  And I am pretty sure that usually saying stuff is easier than actually putting them into actions, agree?  So yeah moving on is actually a tough action to do without looking back.  We tend to look back and regret, but we are just wasting our precious time.

As young and restless teens with our curiosity easily aroused we tend to cling on to new things and wonder why this happens since everything is quite new to us.  We tend to waste our times on issues like am i invisible, i would really hope you appreciated me and all those stuff.

Besides we also have hormonal changes and mood swings all the time which totally destroys our days right?  However these days i am feeling really good :) i think i finally did it without even needing any effort.  I used to over think and spend so much time on all my problems until that one incident the other day, i realized the power of true friendship :)

The moment when people show random acts of kindness really is awesome.  Though sometimes friends annoy you but they play their role pretty damn well in times of need.  And if only i really know how to express my feelings in a proper way, I would never have wasted time thinking cause i feel superbly fine noww XD

I can't express how grateful i am to have a bunch of awesome friends who's going to support me when i am down and all.  The things they did were beyond great and awesome.  I will never forget what they did and said to me.

And and during the holidays i really loved how you cared and all <3 like it was such a random text and you are seriously an awesome friend!  Your text made my day seriously. ;)

Friends are a bunch of people who would laugh at you when you do something silly and comfort you when you are down.  And my oral exam was yesterday and yeah i did get nervous and all and i don't blame you guys for laughing when i dropped the paste.  Accidents do happen okay >< especially with a clumsy and accident prone girl like me :P

Love you all to the most, and loving my present <3


Saturday, August 18, 2012


Forever is a word too strong to be used.  Nothing lasts forever people say. Today finally i realized what it meant.  The feeling when you are about to lose everything you once loved everything you once took granted of.  And yes i said about to lose which means i still have it and i will never let it go no matter what happens

The feeling where you feel you have never loved what you have until now.  I really love everything i now have.  I always have and always will.  Please don't leave me.  I can't bear to think of it.  I shall be optimistic and all and yes i know my family and i can overcome this crisis of ours.

Each and everyone of us has our own worries and all.  Now i truly understand school stuff and those silly puppy love of teens aren't that important in life.  So what if one broke up or got hurt? We can always find someone better.  But... now this feeling i have is like a thousand times worse.  I feel so useless now that i couldn't help my parents overcome this huge problem of theirs

I shall just support them mentally i guess.  I must stay strong and not make them worry about me either. I am sure nothing huge will happen.. i hope.

Happiness lasts forever if you know how to smile when theres rain and learn to laugh when theres sun. :)

Be optimistic and stay strong, joyi.  Thats all you can do now...


Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Let's start with the definition: Not affected by a given influence, unresponsive.

Thats what I've been this last few days.  Unresponsive.  It feels really weird when there is this expected feeling but its not strong at all or maybe it doesn't exist even.  I don't know if i am immune to it or just felt like its no use worrying about stuff like that.

Its complicated and difficult to adapt to this new feelings of mine which is of course no feeling at all omg why am i sounding like i want to have this huge reaction? lol cause i don't feel right not being my usual self.  anyway i hope things go the right way :)

Im sure most of you would not understand what i am saying here but its okay...


Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Vlog ♥

Hey guys today i am going to try vlogging! I might sound weird and all as its just a random and 'for fun' thing so please don't judge thank you 

Thats it i guess. Love you guys 
P.S. I might try a better one next time when i have something to say lol

Monday, August 6, 2012

Our Hero, Dato Lee Chong Wei ♥♥♥

August 5th is indeed a very memorable day for us, Malaysians.  The day where all of us unite to support our champion and hero, the finest badminton player we know, the one and only Dato Lee Chong Wei.

Despite the injury and not playing for months, he played the match so well in the finals of the London Olympics 2012.

No other Malaysian had been able to achieve such achievements before and he gives all of us such huge inspiration.  We must not give up no matter what life hands us.  We shall strive and do our very best in everything we venture in, whether in academics or sports.

This match was indeed a very exciting and interesting one.  I bet all of us were like at the edge of our seats throughout the whole game, some may be even jumping up and down, like me. :)  Especially during the last set and last point

This man united 28 million Malaysians without even speaking.

You are our hero and champion, Dato Lee Chong Wei!  Who cares if you won silver medal?  We would be glad to actually electroplate it for you ^^ You won the hearts of gold of 28 million Malaysians and people from other countries as well.  

You don't have to apologize or feel sorry or anything.  We love you for who you are.  We know you tried your best.  We are proud to have you as a Malaysian.  We are proud of YOU! 

Once again, we will always love you! 



Friday, August 3, 2012

Guess what?

Guess what i am gonna blog about today! Hehe. Nawww its not about the exam test that just ended :P sigh yeah my test just ended today and i am really happy.  its not like a really stressful one and the results aren't really important I hope? :/

Anyway i just really feel like blogging today :)

Okay theres this ACS MGS Alumni Reunion tomorrow which i have to go.  At 9 am ><  And till? Eleven something at night? How awesome. Lol anyway i will try to enjoy myself with my awesome friends i guess hehehe

I have really nice friends where i can tell them everything well.. not everything i guess cause to some people find my opinions really weird and all.  At times when my friends bring up my past and future, my past especially... I really feel kind of uneasy cause come on people makes mistakes and no one is perfect right?

So what if i did some really huge mistakes in the choices i made in life?  As long as i learned from it, it's okay isn't it?  Isn't that what life is all about?  To learn from our mistakes?  I admit I did have this duration where i was trying to adapt to the results of that choice i made.  So why bring it up again?  Its not really that fun and all okay.

AND it doesnt make me happy okay.  Why would i be?  I guess you don't really know the whole story after all.  Anyway that only applies to some of them :)  But friends can be really sweet at times too! :)

Love you guys <3