Sunday, November 20, 2016

hello there,

1) it's summer break here over in australia. i seriously cannot wait to get home and stuff my face with  heaps of scrumptious food! nothing beats a hearty meal in food paradise with friends and family ♥ the thought of it is making me hungry...

2) my favourite month of the year is coming up and i can't contain my excitement!! i can't wait to go christmas shopping and get/make gifts for the family (that no one really uses so off it goes - straight into the stash of things in our own respective cupboards ahaha). still challenging myself to get something practical for everyone every year but idk; maybe my family is really a bunch of hoarders who feel that things look better when collecting dust in cupboards.

3) don't usually do this but i have been binging on The Vampire Diaries on Netflix right after exams ended and i am on to season 4 already. joyi, you've got to control yourself. BUT oh my gosh, let's all take a moment to appreciate this beauty ♥

Damon Salvatore
Look at them eyes omg ok enough joyi
but ps if you need your daily dose of eye candy, just watch TVD 
4) it's almost 3am and i should probably head to sleep - i really messed up my sleeping hours so i got to fix that up real quick! got to stop waking up way past noon and sleeping way past midnight cries


Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I love meeting people. I love having conversations that go beyond 'today's weather is good'. I love listening to stories, especially those of choices and experiences.

Everyone has their own stories as well as different ways of writing it. It is kind of sad to admit but there are certainly times when we take this for granted. These days, most people tend to prematurely judge someone based on their physical appearance and the way they act in public. For instance, to the quiet girl who never fails to pick that same seat in the corner of your lecture hall, comments like 'oh, she's just an incredibly shy girl' are bound to be raised. I admit that I am guilty of it too. However, on a deeper note, who are we to judge when we don't even know what she has been through?

I am still very much mind-blown whenever someone tells me about something that has been on their mind or just about an experience that they have been put through. Plenty of thoughts could be running through their minds the very moment you guys are engaged in a certain conversation. Thoughts you can't read or sense unless they tell you about it. They might look like the happiest creature all the time, but who's to know that when night falls, all they do is listen to melancholic music and sob themselves to sleep.

If you asked me years ago what superpower I'd like to have, I would no doubt answer 'I want to read everyone's minds just so that life would never be confusing'. However, I don't want that anymore. The mystery of not knowing what is on the minds of other people and the confusion that it sometimes brings are things that make me yearn for more. I can't even describe this in words but it makes me immensely curious and excited whenever someone feels that they are ready to open up (yes i do realise that i am starting to sound like someone who's nothing but a busybody - someone who's forever excited in meddling with the private lives of others). But tbh, no. It's just nice to know of experiences vicariously and ponder upon them after; to figure out what I would have done if I were in their shoes.

Fast forward to years later, if I were given a superpower now, I would want to spread all the happiness in the world, and eradicate every single iota of sadness and sorrow in the lives of others. (ok this is probably not a very rational choice either since what are feelings if we don't have a spectrum?) But it just makes me so happy to know that people around me are happy - so yeah probs a selfish choice.

Call me a dreamer, or someone who is still living in her own bubble of hope. Call me silly for still holding on to such crazy thoughts. Trust me, it's not easy. I understand that by having such a mindset I get disappointed so much more when things don't go as planned or when I learn of new things in life that are so far from the ideal I have in mind. There were people in my journey of life who tried to shake me awake and every other possible way to pop that bubble. 

Someone used to ask:
'Why be an optimist? It's so much easier to be a pessimist so that when you get results you don't expect you will get happier. That happiness makes being a pessimist so much better than being an optimist and getting so disappointed when you don't get what you want.'

And my answer would be: 
'Look. Would you rather be happy for that short period of time and choose to be negative the rest of your time or would you rather be happy as much as you can and only be sad and disappointed when things really don't go as planned?'

Well, I don't know. Tell me what you think. For me, I would definitely choose the latter rather than the former because... (ok cliche line coming up, pls don't cringe) its all about the process, and not the product. I would so much rather be happy over the process rather than only for a short while at the end before venturing into something new.

P.S Whatever I am writing here is purely my two cents, I definitely don't intend to impose these thoughts on you or whatever. Just take it with a grain a salt :) 


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Is this not for me?

Hey you.

So currently I am embarking on this new journey called university.  Well I have always secretly kind of liked studying because it is all so interesting; like legit everything is interesting. 

I have never felt this way, never disliked anything that gives me new knowledge before. 

Okay maybe I have, but rarely (also usually its because I beat myself so hard for getting not-so-great results - and yes, not so great might mean a B). I am a major nerd, definitely haha, and I admit it. But right now I just feel really demotivated to do anything, like I mean I don't know if i have always been lucky or if sciences and math were so much easier to understand and apply?  All you need is a bit of practice and you'll be fine.

Trust me, making such a drastic change to life (i.e. enrolling into a law program) really has me thinking and wondering if i made the right choice.  Time and time again, these sciences and math just pop into mind and i can't stop myself but wonder how I would be coping in university if i was enrolled as a science student instead.  I loved it all, and I love it still. Yeah yeah... such a geek. If you're wondering why I did it, well I'll save that for another day.

For my current course and application, it's all so different; it makes me question myself all the time. Am I just not made for this? A small part of me always nudges me whenever that thought comes into mind, 'joyi, you need to stop thinking that way, don't be weak. don't give up because you are not doing as well as you want yourself to'.

Expectations kill me, legit. Always have, always will.

It feels so surreal to finally be in a university, far away from home. This whole long distance thing definitely has taken a toll on me; I mean everything is interesting here, the people I met here are amazing but at times like this, I wish I could be home, cuddled in bed and just wait for my grandma to bring my my favourite dessert. It's difficult, very difficult to always make it seem like I am not homesick cause in reality, I really am. The 'I can't show it to my family members that I am sad because I miss them so so much cause they will be sad too' struggle is really real. I mean what was I supposed to do? Just suck it up and bawl my eyes out and then be all happy again the next day?

Ugh, this whole university thing still makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong, there are always good days, good adventures which fill me up with so much blessing it makes me smile from ear to ear.  I just usually drop by on the bad ones, haha. I need to start dropping in on all days so this blog is less depressing. Looking forward to a better tomorrow! 

To you reading this, have a wonderful day ahead x

Friday, May 13, 2016

To those going through bad days, you are not alone

These few weeks definitely are not the best weeks of my life. I still don't know if I can emerge at the end of all this, feeling glad that it all happened.  As much as I love growing and discovering, there are certain things that I wish would just go away.  I am well aware that the fastest way to grow is by experiencing different adversities in life, but there is just this limit as to how much one can take. 'Death by a thousand cuts' isn't what I want.

I used to think that I can take on anything, that I was prepared; but recently, I realised how energy draining all these could be, not mentioning how heart breaking it is to be slapped in the face with bad news every single day.  These days, I have been praying and praying for all of these to just go away, to just leave me alone.  Sometimes I wonder if I could just run, to a place far far away and start over in a place where no one knew me. Wait. Been there, done that. But realise this, you can never run away from your identity, from who you really are.

Then, comes this epiphany that I should just suck it up and try to handle things as well as I can, despite me dying inside.  Well maybe this is one of the many things in life where I could look back and feel 'I am glad that happened, I wouldn't be where I am if not for it' or I could feel 'Aw man, I will never want to experience it at all if we went back in time'. I don't know which it will be yet but I damn well hope that it is not something that would kill me to the roots and break me permanently, and with that I am going to do my best to survive this storm and wait for the rainbows.  To those barely surviving from bad days or weeks, let's do this together.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


It is something that could either make you or break you. It could either drive you to success or lead you to your downfall.

Well, it works both ways for me. The pressure it gives me often make me work harder towards my goals. But whenever i feel like things aren't going the way I want it to, I would end up very very disappointed in myself. And that, is turning into a daily thing for me right now. 

Being in a new environment, doing something so new to me, it is more often that not I would make mistakes, in one aspect or another. That is totally fine, people say. You will do better, people say. But I really have no room for blunders now, do I? 

If you are someone who is close to me, I bet you will already have figured out how easy it is for me to be disappointed at myself. More often than not, you would end up comforting me even though I did pretty alright, it is just all these expectations I have on myself which is taking a toll on me, and i still have zero idea on how to stop them from coming.

Unfortunately, tonight is one of those nights where I just snug under the covers of my bed, feeling shitty and wished that I could have another go at today. 
'Well, there's always tomorrow' and yes, I agree with that a 100%. I know I eventually will let go of the events which took place today, but for now, this moment, just let me envelop myself in this feeling of disappointment for a bit, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.


Well, if you're wondering, I admit I don't usually do blog posts like this. I would usually point a problem and convince myself that there are ways I could fix it, or at least improve myself on that aspect. However, tonight's one of those nights where I feel like just being this way and there is no point being so positive about changing and upgrading my views. Guess i have reached a point in life where I feel that it is actually alright to not be perfect. It is alright that I am not perfect yet and I will never be, but it doesn't hurt putting some thought into it haha

On another note, I was just on a video call with my grandma and mum in Malaysia. Phone calls and video calls from home always strikes something in me, especially since I am so far from home (which sucks). Tonight is exactly one of the nights I needed that call, to remind myself of the support I have. (i am not saying i don't feel supported right now or that i yearn support 24/7 in order to live life, but it is nice, you know, to be able to always come home to supportive family - and not to forget physical hugs work too)

Alright, I've got to get back to working on my assignments and college work. Will write again soon xx

Sunday, February 28, 2016


i need distractions to stop myself thinking about home
thinking of what everyone is doing
thinking of the people i love
of the food i miss

i tried watching television series
to stop myself from bawling my eyes out
i tried reading books
to bring my mind to a land far away from home
i tried working out
to focus only on the fatigue and weariness

i wake up
each day
doing things that don't require thinking
but eventually my mind floats to where the heart belongs

i need to stop that now
cause this is home for the next four years
which is a pretty short
and yet long time


welcome to level one of homesickness