Okay so I basically started this blog as a means of honestly expressing how I feel, writing about the things and people I love, or just random crap that comes my way. However, I don't know when this started but I began stressing out over what I post, which is actually pretty funny because you see, I try to post what I really want to post but then I feel like it is not something people would want to read about, and then I take it down. Sooner or later, I no longer blog, even if I do it's all drafts.
So what was I up to? Well, I graduated A-levels with pretty amazing results which makes me really really happy cause I totally did NOT expect this (miracles do happen HAHA) and now I am just waiting for placements in universities. While on a break from blogging, I grew and learned a lot as a person. Obviously, coming back, I read through some of my old posts just to get an idea of how I used to do it, and I can't stop myself from laughing at the initial few posts I uploaded. I wanted to remove those, but then, maybe not - because it reminds me of the person I used to be. The happy-go-lucky, the one who gets all hyper for all the wrong reasons. I miss that girl.
Hm, I wouldn't say I changed a lot, but my perspective on certain things definitely changed (who knew one year could give you this much impact on life) but now, I totally understand why people say, 'that event I attended was an eye-opener'. I feel things differently now, I learned to let go of things or incidents or even people that don't really matter, that some people are present in certain chapters of your life so you could learn from them. Lessons. E.g.- No matter how much you despise someone, remember - they are there so you could learn and develop as a human being, to be stronger or more patient or just not take the small stuff so seriously. Personally, I feel all these little things we get from other people, all these lessons or memories, are really what we should cherish because these are the things that molded us into becoming who we are NOW and who we are going to be in the future.