Friday, October 4, 2013

Graduation Night 2013 (Preparations!)


Last Friday (29/09/2013) marked my first and last dinner with all my schoolmates.  It has been a great eleven years in an all girls school; if you don't know already.  Methodist Girls' School has definitely nurtured me and transformed me into who I am today. :)

Every big event will start off with preparations! So here we go! (P.S. I am going to split up the blog posts just because I am always on the go and I am only blogging when I really can spare some time to do so :/)

1) Skin care

I have been attacked by acne! The case was a moderate one; not too severe or not a mild one either. So I have been testing out this routine where I apply Nuteen's Sleeping Mask every two nights.  This routine did not really make all my acne disappear but it definitely made my skin feel softer :)

2) Research on hairdo

I have been looking around for really pretty hairdos but i could not decide on which one to go with and in the end; I just thought that maybe an updo would be the most ideal; the hairstylist decided for me and out comes... tada! What do you think about it? Leave a comment below! :)

3) Makeup inspiration

Yes. I believe that if you had a rough idea on what you wanted then it would make things easier and then you would not have to feel all jittery when the results does not come out the way you would like it to be. :)

For instance:

HAHAHA SURPRISED?! No lah i didn't try any of the above makeup inspiration. :P

4) Gown Searching

I have been driving round town with lovely mummy and I am like; wow so many nice dresses! Honestly, I had a really hard time deciding on the perfect one. So many different colors to choose from; what else design?! I always wanted a gown with a striking color but guess what? In the end, guess which one I went with? ;)

Guess which one I chose? ;)

Those were just some stuff I did before the big day. If you have anything else to ask about me, do drop me a question on ( or leave a comment below :)


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