Monday, April 15, 2013

Girl's Talk #1

We can always choose to look at the positive side when things start going downhill.  

Well, I know it is easier said than done. Imagine trying to find a white spot on black paper. Is that possible? Well of course it isn't, but what we can do is we can always use a white color pencil to draw on it.  Use extraordinary ways to solve your extraordinary obstacles in life. As girls, we always pick on ourselves and wonder if we are good enough, whether in front of your friends or even your crush.  Humans were never born perfect.  Our imperfections are what makes us vary from one another.  Just close your eyes and imagine a world filled with perfect people, no flaws.  Woah, pretty impressive right? Well yeah they are robots. :) So, why not embrace our imperfections and look at the brighter side of things.  Things might not be smooth sailing but maybe these will turn out to be life lessons, moulding us into a better person.  The reason to why I am suddenly blogging about this is that life isn't all that smooth sailing for me now either, but I realize I have a lot of wonderful friends being there for me. :) Why not love the ones that already love us so much? Why think about imbeciles being there to trip you over?   These people aren't worth our time at all.  If they want to stay in our lives, true friends will make an effort to do so.  I understand how it feels when you are so confused you tend to make mistakes and worsen the whole situation.  Just pause a while, sit back and reflect on what move you should do next.  It's all up to us to decide.  Our choice. Do not try to rush things as it makes no good.  Do not push all the blame unto yourself, if it's a matter involving two people(or a group). The other people are at fault too. :)

P.S. This is all my opinion and I didn't mean to point at anyone.  We may have different point of views at things.  I have more and more delayed posts but this is what I've been going through lately.  I will try my best to update the blog more frequently.  Any advice is welcomed :)


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