Sunday, March 31, 2013


Beh's surprise advanced birthday party! Proud to claim it a... success! :D

We went to Beh's house while she was at tuition and hid in her toilet until she came home. Was kind of excited and all hehe. When she came home from tuition, all she did was she sat down on her sofa, and tried to figure out the password to her iPad (typical Beh!) when we came out and threw confetti all over her :P Her expression was priceless! 

Brought her to the dining area and sang her a birthday song. Have you ever heard of the candles that can never been blown out? Well we kind of pulled this prank on her and she tried so hard to blow them all out but the candles.... decided to light up again hahha.

Beh's parents, being extremely kind, took us to HotJack Cafe for our dinner :) We made sooooo much noise there we might even get blacklisted as customers haha but we didn't.  Typical teenagers.  Causing a commotion and having so much fun! Thats what we do. :P

Time for pictures:

With Fungxin :)

Looking dark here :(

Selfie :)
Mandora :)
a pretty cute and addictive game :)

With Chelsea and the Birthday girl, Beh :D
Happy Birthday Beh!

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