Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Summary on the year 2012 ♥

I started the year with absolutely different syllabus compared to Form 3, Form 4 is no honeymoon year, so I heard.  'It's going to be tough, no kidding.' 'Study hard, get your base.' Been getting this a lot.  Managed to survive studies, I guess? :)

Went on this business plus holiday trip with family during the March holidays to Korea, brought homework and all.  Exactly one week, no time spent in Malaysia.  Back to school the next day once arrived home at 10 pm at night.  The trip was fun, good food and all :)

Participated in the school's Interact Club's IU Day.  Danced and performed The Doll Dance.  It was overwhelming to hear the crowd cheering and clapping their hands.  Being on the stage gave me this feeling, everything is worth it, the training, the practices.  This is indelible.

Next up, exams exams exams.  Achieved something I never thought I could.  Nothing is impossible :) I must never give up.

Danced another time during Y's men dinner and for my school's Graduation Night.  Too bad the candle went out but there are challenges in life, and sometimes a mistake urges you to do better in the next chapters of life.

As I said, participated in the school's Grad Night event and can I say all our hardwork paid off? hehe it was fulfilling to see the Fifth Formers having a great time though we had to run up and down to make sure everything goes as planned.

There comes the exams again.  Nah, I don't want to talk about it haha. WOOHOO! There comes the holidays, visited Bangkok, Thailand and Shanghai, China.  This whole holidays is more about car rides, boat rides and sightseeing and of course, shopping.  Met new people.  More friends.  Went to Malaysia's capital city a few times and also Grik,Perak (the experience wasn't that good) but for adventurous people I think it'd be fun :) 

Celebrated my Sweet Sixteen, sister's Sweet 14th, Mummy's 48th together with Christmas.  It was indeed a splendid year and now since it is the year 2013, I shall mould it into a better one :)  It is going to be my last year in high school.  Cherish it all before it's too late. :)  



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