Sunday, January 20, 2019


New year, new beginnings. 

I wish it was as easy as that.

People always make it seem like we can just close chapters of our lives with the new year. Box everything up, put it away. I used to believe so too. How silly. Even when I was counting down to the new year, I thought I could start fresh, new and rejuvenated when the clock strikes with last year's burdens left where it belonged, but no.

Hence, days into 2019, I am not going to write a whole list of resolutions like it's a new life. I understand that things are going to be different, but I am going to take this year as a year of recovery. Proper recovery. I have always busied myself with distractions and whatnot to take my mind off things I don't want to think about.

This year, I am going to will myself to more growth. To actually admit and face my issues. To better myself. To meeting new people, starting conversations and just being brave enough to embrace what's in store for me. I want to surround myself with people who radiate positivity and stop living for the people who don't matter. Besides, I have always been very skeptical about humanity. This year, I want to let go of past perceptions of people, and hold on to the notion that there are still good people around.

Goodbye, 2018. Thanks for being a hell of a ride.

Paris, 2018.
View from Montparnasse Tower