"Just do your best, and there will be no regrets!"
These words are the words I was told by someone very dear to me. But ever since then, I felt like I embarked on this journey to find out how true is the truth. Human beings like myself can never be contented by what we have, no matter how big or small. We strive our best but we will always think again if we really gave our all to it. At some points, yes, there will be this sudden thought of just throwing in the towel and quit. It's so tiring to be in the rigours of this rat race. Can't we just take a chill pill and relax for a bit? Then we try to play truant and go spend time doing things we love but we also realise it's not good for us ~ procrastinate. Suddenly this force pulls us back to reality and have us taking part in this long long run again! We were fed with hope and in return, we were EXPECTED to win this race.
"Once you place high hopes, you will be given greater disappointment," said my friend. Then, what exactly is hope for? Is it there to drive and motivate you to do better or is it there to cause you pain? Well, that's another thing I have to figure out. You see, life often hands you a lot of challenges/obstacles but you will always feel this sense of pride whenever you are able to rise above these circumstances. The thing is are you willing to be challenged or are you just going to give up? Life is like a roller coaster we all have our ups and downs, be it a reunion or a break up . We just have to continue striving our best. Do not ever give up! Stay strong and you will be able to do it! ❤
P.S. Random thoughts so..